Every Catholic Man - Sunday Gospel Bible Study

Episode 213 - Jesus reveals the faithful must be vigilant to be spared from the destruction to come - Sunday December 1, 2024 - Lk 21:25-28, 34-36

Every Catholic Man Season 3 Episode 213

Jesus reveals the faithful must be vigilant to be spared from the destruction to come. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Piety from the Holy Spirit so he can prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ and by building the Virtue of Self-control so he can grow in holy vigilance.

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Jesus reveals the faithful must be vigilant to be spared from the destruction to come. Every Catholic man can grow in happiness by seeking the Gift of Piety from the Holy Spirit so he can prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ and by building the Virtue of Self-control so he can grow in holy vigilance. 


1st Week of Advent – Sunday – Cycle C – Lk 21:25-28, 34-36


Preparing His disciples for the coming turmoil, Jesus declares the Temple will be utterly destroyed, there will be “wars and tumults”, earth upheavals will occur, false messiahs claiming to be Christ will arise, Christians will be persecuted and betrayed, even by their own families, and Jerusalem will be annihilated.

Jesus turns to His Second Coming, a separate revelation that has not yet come to pass. After the Fall of Jerusalem, even greater distress will come upon the entire world (heaven, land, sea): the heavens will give strange signs; the nations will be distressed; there will be upheavals on land and raging seas. Despite the trauma in the world, Christians will find joy in the Second Coming of Jesus on the clouds of Heaven for their “redemption is drawing near.” 

Jesus urges men to vigilantly prepare for the Judgment that is to come to “all who dwell upon the face of the whole earth.” The end will come suddenly like a hidden snare, a noose that violently closes around the neck of an animal and kills it. He urges men to be on “watch at all times”, a warning of the need to pursue a disciplined life of prayer that daily seeks to grow in holiness, and by spiritual disciplines devoted to Jesus through which men can build endurance and resilience. No one will escape the unavoidable Judgment of Jesus; men should continually pray to be prepared to stand, rather than cower and hide in guilty fear, when they meet Jesus face to face, humble in the confidence that they have given Jesus their best and to faithfully rely on His Mercy. 

Be awed by Jesus Christ

Today begins the start of the Liturgical year with the first Sunday of Advent. While joyfully anticipating the birth of Jesus at Christmas, the Church begins with Jesus’ somber Warning of the unavoidable Judgment: Divine Prophet, Jesus gives clear Warning that every man will have to stand before Him in the Judgment; the perfection of Temperance and Diligence, Jesus Sternly Warns His men to not fall into the vice and sins of gluttony, sloth and worldliness, but to remain vigilant and holy; Divine Priest, Jesus urges men to draw close to Him in prayer, so that they might be sustained in faith and fortitude.

Prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ

Realize: Advent (meaning, “coming, approach, arrival of Christ”) is the 4-week liturgical season before Christmas which is a period of devout and joyful expectation of Jesus’ Second Coming, but also a time for every Catholic man to beg Jesus to come into his daily life so he can grow in holiness and prepare for eternal life. 

Believe: Reflect upon The Preparations for Christ’s Coming (CCC 522-524).

Pray: Holy Spirit, give me the Gift of Piety so You fill me with a great reverence for Advent, I joyously engage in the many prayers and rituals of the Advent season, and I am draw ever closer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every day.

Grow in Self-Control

Realize: Given the uncertainty of when the Second Coming will occur and the time of each man’s death, Jesus exhorts men to develop the self-control to always be watchful.

Believe: Reflect upon the Need to be Watchful (CCC 672, 1036, 1821, 2612, 2638, 2719, 2742, 2849) 

Pray: Jesus Christ,  Perfection of Temperance, help me build the Virtue of Self-Control (a part of Temperance) so I can always remain diligently on guard, I have the discipline to resist sin, and I endure in the faith and vigilantly draw close to You, even during times of chaos and upheaval.